Trouble for China hedge funds? Reuters: Brace for upheaval from tough new rules

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Reuters with the info, and the worrisome headline:

  • China hedge funds brace for upheaval from tough new rules

In brief:

  • China’s $715 billion hedge fund
    industry is facing renewed pressure from stringent regulations
    coming into effect next month, forcing some investment firms to
    seek fresh capital from white knights or even shut shop.
  • New guidelines for the fragmented industry from Aug. 1 will
    impose higher asset thresholds for funds to operate, and also
    stricter norms for their investments and marketing.
  • Nearly 300 such funds out of the more than 8,000 in China
    have already terminated business so far this year

More at that link above

2024 has seen a recovery for Chinese stocks, but not without challenges:

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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