Japan Q2 GDP +0.8% q/q (vs. +0.5% expected)

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Japanese GDP for the April to June quarter of 2024 is better than the contraction in Q1.

+0.8% q/q

  • expected 0.5%, prior -0.6%

QQ Annualised is +3.1%

  • expected +2.1%, prior -2.3%

Private consumption q/q +1.0% … up for the first time in 5 quarters

  • expected +0.5%, prior -0.6%

External demand q/q -0.1%

  • expected -0.1%, prior -0.5%

Capital Expenditure q/q +0.9% … higher for the first time in two quarters

  • expected +0.9%, prior -0.4%

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.

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