Japan Jibun Bank May Manufacturing PMI (final) 50.4, first expansion in a year

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Flash and prior are here:

  • Japan preliminary May manufacturing PMI 50.5 (prior 49.6)

more to come

From the report, in brief:

  • encouraging
    trends across the manufacturing industry
  • new orders
    and output broadly stable
  • Factory employment rose but continued to be affected
    by retirements, with firms often highlighting difficulties
    finding suitable candidates to replace leavers
  • an
    intensification of cost pressures, as yen depreciation
    added strain on imported item prices. Coupled with rising
    wage costs, the increase in input prices underpinned
    the sharpest upturn in output charges for a year
  • domestic and
    external demand remain subdued

Sporadic green shoots in Japan.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.

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